My name is Damien Tougas (a.k.a. toesalad). In 2014 my family and I completed a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. We chronicled our journey through a video series called Beyond our Boundaries. We went into that adventure anticipating that it would change our lives. Boy did it ever. In ways we totally didn't expect... but that is a topic for another day.
While out on the trail, experiencing the unique community that exists around trail life, and spending six months living out of a backpack, I had an idea: What this world needs is a social/journaling site, geared towards the outdoors, without the irrelevant fluff found in "those other" social media sites. I don't want to wade through posts about silly pet tricks and political flame wars to find the good posts about people doing cool and inspirational stuff. I can't be the only one who feels this way.
Since nothing like that really exists, I decided to create it. What you see here is my labour of love. Bootstrapped in my spare time without any external funding, but with the generous help of a few good friends.