An evening walk with Stosh to check out the mud-flats left at low tide. "On a flood tide, 160 billion tonnes of seawater flows into the Bay of Fundy — more than four times the estimated combined flow of all the world's freshwater rivers during the same 6-hour interval. The vertical tidal range can be over 16 metres — giving the Bay of Fundy the highest tides in the world." A routine that does repeat itself 'like clockwork."
When I am not working with technology, I can often be found in the backcountry; always happiest in the presence of mountains. In 2014 I successfully completed a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail with my three kids. I ...
I live in the city. I dream (and dream about living, adventuring, and travel) in the country. Married to Outsideways creator @toesalad. My adventure life is summarized well by William Lewis Morton, who once observed that the “alternate ...
45 Journals
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