The Long Trail has interested @hammerhead and me for several years - a year ago we decided hiking this trail would be a great way to celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary (October 19). Inviting along @toesalad and @reneetougas -our family who introduced and initiated us to back-country-hiking - is for us a wonderful idea to add to our fun and experience.
Our last hiking day for this section of The Long Trail :(
I guess it is time but I will miss it- the friendship on the trail, the effort to reach vistas and peaks, whatever we are carrying is what we have so all we need!
Thanks @hammerhead@reneetougas@toesalad!!
Reached Sunshine Shelter before 2:00 - we decided to claim sleeping spots and @hammerhead@reneetougas@toesalad walked to nearby road and hitched into Rochester for coffee and goodies. Came home with treats and reports of friendly drivers. I fetched water, made tea and ‘chilled’ by myself until joined by another hiker.
@reneetougas@toesalad making good mileage on the fairly level trail. Love all the moss - although the moisture can make one’s gear/clothes feel perpetual damp...
David Logan shelter - @hammerhead packing up and waiting/hoping for a rain shower to quit before we head out - day 14. An entry in the shelter’s logbook warned of an abundance of mice - all the food bags were tied up in the trees so those of us in the shelter escaped- one of the tarp tent dwellers (without an attached floor) didn’t bode as well- yoy!! Poor guy.
David Logan shelter- @reneetougas and her Dad (@hammerhead) built a wonderful fire using dried kindling stacked in the shelter and scrounged for bigger stuff to keep it going till bedtime! What a welcome surprise for the rest of the hikers (like ‘Dragonfly’ and ‘Birch’ ) who ended up in camp - a total of 10 hikers and one dog. (Some tented.)
We splurged on our resupply with 2 small cartons of red wine :) Presentation can be over-rated but @hammerhead preferred drinking from our cooking pot lid over straight up from the carton!
Must say, the extra pack weight was worth the addition to our supper.