Follow me on my journey as I attempt to thru-hike the AT. This has been a dream of mine for a long time and I'm excited to finally be here. Stay tuned!
mon objectif personnel pour cette année, est d’obtenir le Bronze. My journey to obtain the Bronze level in the Rando-Québec hiking certificate. Details at
This Memorial Day, 2018 I've decided to section hike the Buckeye Trail, which is a 1,444 mile trail around the entire state of Ohio. The Buckeye Trail is a portion of the American Discovery Trail, which traverses ...
When I am not doing the bigger trips, I try to get out and enjoy outdoor activity at least once a week, no matter where I am. This journal is for random snapshots of my weekly micro adventures ...
This journal will follow my journey as I move towards my thru hike of the AT in 2019. It will cover the good, bad, and ugly as I stumble through my preparation.